WED. OCT 11: Register for 10AM Funding Booster Program and 5:30PM: Artist WorkLab

Our monthly Funding Booster discussion series with funding expert Penny Cook continues this Wednesday October 11 at 10am for any of our members who have a question about funding possibilities in general, have something in mind or want some help with a specific grant. Join the conversation Wednesday, and if you need further help sign-up for a private 1-on1 session with Penny – it’s all free.

If you haven’t signed up for the series do that here.  Then sign up for the Zoom call on Wednesday here: 

Find out more at



Registration is open for the next Artist WorkLab on Wednesday November 1 from 5:30 to 7 PM. The topic for September is Avoiding & Handling Copyright and Licensing Violations. Speakers include “The Legal Artist” Greg Kanaan, and artists Susan Fehlinger, and 5iveFingaz (Rafaella Santaella), with stories of their experiences with copyright violations. This series is free and open to any artist working in any medium. Produced in collaboration with Metro Art Studios and with the support of Connecticut Humanities, Artist WorkLab brings you panels and discussions to help your art career thrive!
VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE: Videos are now available of the first three Artist WorkLabs:




Next Marketing Roundtable: August 23: “Changing Demographics in Fairfield County.”

All member executive directors and marketing officers are encouraged to sign up for our next in-person Marketing Roundtable, August 23 at Westport Country Playhouse, when Patrick J. Flaherty, Director of Research and Information at the CT Department of Labor, will speak on the “Changing Demographics of Fairfield County,” with a particular focus on post-pandemic developments.

The Office of Research gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information on the economy, workforce, and careers that is used to evaluate the economic health of Connecticut, support and promote state workforce development activities, and assist students and job seekers in making career choices. Register here.

Now on Soundcloud: Spotlight on Arts & Culture: “Arts & Culture In Community College”

Our November edition of Spotlight on Arts & Culture is now available as a podcast at Our November Spotlight features Jennifer Reynolds-Kaye, Director of the Housatonic Museum of Art in Bridgeport. In this episode, Executive Director Erika Wesley, will introduce herself to WPKN listeners and discuss her work as a literary artist, nonprofit executive, and lover of arts and culture. Jennifer will discuss her role as art administrator of the second-largest art collection housed at a community college in the country! She will also discuss the initiatives at the Housatonic Museum of Art and the intersection between art and community.

Podcast Now Available on our “Spotlight” radio show: “The Role of Arts & Culture in Building Community”

Whether you attended our June 21 ACE Awards Breakfast or not, you might well be interested in our radio broadcast in which David Green interviewed each of the awardees about the role that community plays in their work. At the awards ceremony we focused on how the arts and culture is the glue for our communities, highlighting the significant role that artists and arts and cultural institutions play in connecting communities across government, businesses, nonprofit agencies, educational institutions and municipalities. This connection activates communities, offers common ground, and creates a sense of place that leads to economically and socially thriving communities. Podcast now available at:

Our guests were:
• Cris Dam, Artist Award
• Vic Mulaire, The NEST Arts Factory, Citizen Award
• David Genovese, Baywater Properties, Corporate Award
• Jenny Nelson, Westport Country Playhouse, Educator Award
• Michael Jehle, Fairfield Museum & History Centre, Nonprofit Award


Spotlight on Arts & Culture: The Arts and Healing

If you missed our April Spotlight on Arts & Culture on “The Arts and Healing,” you can hear it now on a podcast on Soundcloud:

On the show, we examined the power of creative expression as a means of coping, healing, and restoration. How can the arts can be a bridge to mindfulness, reflection and transformation, particularly in the context of the current state of our world?


Our guests were Dianne Niklaus, a Creative Wellness Coach; Darcy Hicks, visual artist and Director of Education at The Norwalk Art Space; Felicity Kostakis, artist and art teacher; Tatiana Mori, Director of the Greenwich Arts Council; and Patricia Spugani, Community Outreach & Lighting Designer at Town Players of New Canaan which recently produced Ordinary People to contribute to the conversation around mental health.


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