CAFC Editorial Blog


Since 2008, the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County (CAFC) has established itself as a thought leader in the realms of art and culture. At the heart of the CAFC’s mission is a deep commitment to the intersectionality of art and its potential as a catalyst for social benefit, sustaining local economies, fostering positive emotional wellbeing, and strengthening education.

We understand that art’s value extends beyond its creation and delve into how different audiences interact with and appreciate art. Whether it is the joy of a collector discovering a new piece, a donor supporting the preservation of cultural heritage, or a patron experiencing a transformative performance, CAFC emphasizes the diverse ways in which art enriches lives.

For the residents of Fairfield County and across the globe, art transcends aesthetic value, serving as a powerful medium for human progress, both personal and collective. Whether through public art installations, educational programs, or collaborative projects, we can foster a deeper connection between the arts and their audience and ensure that art remains accessible and meaningful to all.

From an editorial perspective, the 4-part question we will continuously ask as we present our collective ideas is:

How do we make art in all of its forms:

  • belong to everyone?
  • nurture a compelling experience?
  • perform as an integral resource?
  • present as a welcoming path?

Join us each quarter as we bring the voices of our community together to investigate these questions and more!

Art. Culture. Community.

In creative community,

Erika K. Wesley
Executive Director


Contributed by Patricia Rattray and the CAFC Editorial Committee

Where does art move the needle? How exactly does it shape us? As art intersects with every portion of our days it is fascinating to observe its extreme flexibility and its corresponding adaptability.

Could it be that whatever your pursuit or mission, personal or collective, art is the answer — to emphasize it, refine it, magnify it and give it the gravitas it deserves? There is no place where art is irrelevant, yet it is consistently underused, overlooked
and underestimated. When we consider the following opportunities for art integration, we discover endless opportunities to make everything artful.

 Art as Introduction
Do you want to be truly known? Do you want to send a clear message about who you are and what you stand for? While words can accomplish this, art often does it much better. Whether you are introducing your brand, social circle, community, or
organization, art is a powerful tool for that lasting first impression. Art as introduction presents a transformative challenge. You must find, create, envision and commit to the art that reflects the essence of you. This requires confidence in our sense of self and
exposure to the art that resonates with it. While we leverage art as an introduction, we define and reveal our identities.

Art as Intelligence
Whether social, historical, ancestral or even scientific. Art as intelligence conveys a truth or concept about the world. It often makes the conceptual concrete and corrects misinformation. When facts are visible, they are hard to ignore. The recently exhibited diorama of a golf course and its below-ground plastic trash at the Bruce Museum is a good example of this. Behind the glass is a slice of what our real garbage looks like. A trash heap sits under the lush and chemical laden grass of a golf green. The hidden reality about our land use stares us in the face and now we understand.

Art as Asset
When we need to verify our wealth or create a sense of material security, art as an asset comes into play. It can hedge risk by diversifying investment portfolios and be used as collateral to secure debt. As an asset, art’s value is a reflection of market demand and collective agreement. It is the clearest example that a thing is dependent upon the perceiver or perhaps the thing and the perceiver are in essence a whole other thing, greater than the sum of its parts.

Art as Activity
Art is always active. When we make, critique, search for and view art, we often engage multiple senses. The stimulation of two senses at once stimulates regenerative processes in the brain, so the activity resonates at a cellular level. This is why arts therapy is effective. Art as activity is a healing, wellness practice.

Art as Religion
Art is a path to the divine. It can soothe the soul and awaken the spirit. It is an escape from the quotidian inviting us all into a new perspective. Look within and look further out, look around, look!

Art as Image
Art as image is what branding is all about. A collection of designed multi-media communication that continuously reinforces a mission, vision and values over time. Effective branding campaigns, whether personal or corporate, are works of art not just
good marketing.

Art as Influence
Art can push the needle on social and political trends and activism. This requires a combination of circumstance, message, and audience that brings people to that tipping point for action. Art is a catalyst and raw material for great movements that shape our

Art is always just around the corner, yet it often has no place. Let’s make more space
for it.