Portrait of Our Planet: Art at The Ferguson

Show Location: Online and In person: 3rd Floor – Ferguson Library One Public Library Plaza Stamford, CT 06904

This is a multimedia juried exhibit with cash prizes. We are asking artists to submit 1-5 pieces for our next exhibition ‘Portraits of Our Planet’ in celebration of our environment and Earth Day! This theme is meant to inspire artists’ creativity and is open to interpretation!

Show dates: April 16 – September 25
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, March 25th at 11:59PM.
Receiving: Thursday, April 10, 5-7pm, Saturday, April 12, 10-12pm
Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 16th 5:30-7pm
Pickup: Thursday, Sept. 25, 5-7pm and Saturday, Sept. 27, 10-12pm

Fiber 2025-Call For Entry

FIBER 2025 – This international exhibition seeks to showcase the best of contemporary fiber art. Submissions are invited that reflect the breadth of functional or non-functional works that use fiber and/or fiber art techniques in traditional or innovative ways.
JUROR: – Tom Grotta and Rhonda Brown have showcased modern fiber art since the 1980s, championing fiber art’s evolution and future. Representing over 100 artists from 25 countries, the gallery’s exhibitions, art fairs, and partnerships with museums have placed works in prestigious collections like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery.
Entry Deadline – Thursday, March 20
Exhibit Dates- Saturday, May 10 – Thursday, June 19

The Stamford Art Association Presents: Members Show 2025

This is a multimedia exhibit for SAA MEMBERS ONLY. We are asking SAA members to submit 1-5 works for consideration. You are guaranteed to show at least one piece. We appreciate your support and are excited to celebrate your wonderful talent!

PLEASE NOTE the SIZE LIMITATION for this show: no larger than 36’wide x 48’height framed. Sculpture up to 60 lbs.

Please remember to renew your membership if necessary.

Show dates: March 6-April 11

The deadline for entries is Friday, February 7th at 11:59pm.

Reception: Thursday, March 6th (5:30-7:00)

Kershner Gallery – Call for Art

The Curatorial Committee for the Bruce S. Kershner Gallery at the Fairfield Public Library invites artists who are interested in promoting their work to submit an application for a curated exhibition in the gallery. Exhibition slots are available starting in March of 2026.

The Kershner Gallery hosts five exhibitions per year featuring all styles and mediums of art. Artists who are interested can find the instructions for submitting an application at the gallery link on the library website, http://www.fairfieldpubliclibrary.org, scroll down to kershner gallery. Questions and inquiries can be sent to bskgallery@gmail.com.

Picture That is Purchasing Fine Art for Healthcare Facilities

Picture That LLC Art Consultants. is purchasing artwork from artists for 3 healthcare facilities located in Fairfield, Norwich, and New London, Connecticut. I will be co-hosting an informational webinar with Picture That founder Valerie Cooper on December 10th 7 pm EST to share more about this opportunity.

Desired Art Themes

Wellness, Healing, Peace & Tranquility
Local Cityscapes, Landscapes, Riverscapes, and Seascapes
Botanical & Floral

Submission Process

If you would like your artwork considered and cannot attend the webinar, we will be sending out submission instructions after. Questions? Email: emily@artcollectingwithemily.com

Stamford Art Association presents: Figure Drawing at UConn-Stamford

Join us for live figure drawing sessions at UConn hosted by Stamford Art Association starting on November 16th at 4:00 PM!

Meet up with other artists within the area and practice your human anatomy with a live figure drawing class! Reference live female and male, nude and clothed models to practice drawing muscles, realistic proportions, and more!

LOCATION: Second Floor, Room 267 (Fine Art Studio)

3-hour self-directed drawing sessions observing a live model (both nude and clothed) moving through various timed still poses.
Register today! Space is limited.
Bring your own drawing materials.
75% Discount for all UConn Students!
Please be on time! Late arrivals may be asked to wait until the next pose transition.

CALL FOR ART: It’s Winter Thyme!

This is a multimedia juried exhibit with cash prizes. We are asking artists to submit 1-9 pieces of artwork on the theme of all things FOOD! Cooking, finished dishes, or just ingredients! The theme is open to artists’ interpretation. Deadline is November 15th!

Show Dates: December 12-January 30
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 15th at 11:59PM
Artist Notification: Thursday, November 21
Receiving: Friday, December 6th (12-2pm) and Saturday, December 7th (12-2pm)
Opening Reception: Thursday, December 12th, 5:30-7PM
Pickup: Friday, January 31 (12-2PM), Saturday, February 1 (12-2PM)


Show your best photographs of our two categories Easton or General and win $100 in our juried photo show November 9 – January 4, 2025.
Receiving: Saturday, November 9, 10am-1pm
Reception and Awards: Saturday, November 16, 7:00pm
Easton Arts Council Exhibition at the Easton Public Library