Having possessed an artistic ingenuity since childhood, Lisa Small has spent her life juggling her creative self, captivated by color, patterns and all-things visual, with her vast intellectual curiosities and exploration.
While Lisa went on to become a successful corporate attorney in New York City, her artistic inclination and pursuits were ever-present, serving as her conduit for true expression.
Lisa made her public debut as artist at the landmark Greenwich Historical Society Holiday House Tour in Greenwich, CT where two of her limited-edition works, “Pieces of My Heart,†and “Whirling Pinwheels†were showcased in one of the Tour’s stunning Greenwich homes. Since then, Lisa’s works have been on display at Greenwich Art Council, GAC’s Art to the Avenue annual exhibitions and the the Carriage Barn Arts Center in New Canaan as well as hanging in several private client’s homes
Lisa created “elibea” as an art and design studio that exclusively showcases her hand-drawn, original artwork, designs, products and other creative works. elibea is a dream come true for Lisa. It is a place where she is able to be and express her whole self – creative, intellectual, spiritual, passionate – with no boundaries or rules.
If you’re curious about the name elibea: “e†is for Edith, Lisa’s grandmother, who excelled at cooking, baking, sewing, embroidering, crocheting, knitting, painting, gardening and the like; “li†is for Lisa (herself); and “bea†is for Lisa’s Great Aunt Bernice or Aunt Bea – a passionate red-head, with a big heart and a go-getter personality. She was a business owner at a time when women just didn’t do that. She was an extrovert and always had a lot to say, and never let any obstacle or challenge prevent her from achieving her goals.