Mark Andreas (b 1975 , NY)  is a sculptor and educator, his work explores the changing role of time ,hand craft, nature and it’s impact on the present day human experience . 
Andreas’s artistic approach is informed by his background as a boat builder, sailer crafts person and love of nature. 

Andreas has lectured, taught and given workshops at, Yale University, Aalto University (FI) The University of Tennessee, University of Groningen (NL) and Kobe University (JP)

   For nearly 20years , Andreas has exhibited his art work both nationally and internationally with exhibitions at the Cress Gallery at the University of Tennessee , Galleria Anhava Helsinki, Luda Gallery St.Petersburg RU, SIGN Gallery NL, Torrance Art Museum in LA,  and RMA, Kobe Japan. 
Andreas’s sculpture stands as public art in Peekskill New York, Stockholm Sweden, Kobe Japan, and Ireland in the winter of 2023.



Mark Andreas
180 Broad Street Apt 1410
Stamford , CT 06901

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(203) 521-9183



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