Sustainne is a local-sustainable lifestyle destination that helps consumers easily find products and services from local businesses and nonprofits that align with their interests, values and lifestyle. Site users can browse business categories, including Arts & Entertainment, to explore and get inspired, or search by location and keyword. Business members range from artists who create gallery-worthy pieces from recycled plastic and metal to organic food growers and composting services. Businesses and nonprofit organizations join Sustainne to surface their brands; engage with conscious consumers via their interactive, multimedia Listings; and network with like-minded businesses at events and via the Business Members Only Facebook page. Consumers join to receive our inspirational newsletter full of sustainably living news, tips, offers and events; rate and review businesses, and save Listing to favorites.

On October 13, 2018 we held our first Sustainable Living Expo in partnership with Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk and just launched our Sustainable Living Events for Employees for large area businesses to engage with their employees around sustainability in a personally rewarding way.



(203) 520-3451



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