Join Us!
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. As a member of CAFC, you’ll be part of a movement, working with other organizations, creative individuals and businesses to assure that arts and culture remain central to life in Fairfield County.
Belonging. Participating. Being.
Artists & Individuals
Increase your visibility and networking opportunities.
- Post your profile on our interactive Meet our Members page
- Attend CAFC member events, workshops, and networking opportunities
- Share your openings, events and programs on our interactive FCBuzz Events page
- Let us help spread the word through our weekly E-Buzz eblast to more than 6,000 subscribers
Cultural Institutions
Build awareness and expand your community engagement.
- Post your organization’s profile on our interactive Meet our Members page
- Share your arts and cultural events to our interactive FC Buzz Events page
- Let us help spread the word through CAFC’s weekly E-Buzz eblast to more than 6,000 subscribers
- Attend CAFC member events and workshops specifically for Executive Directors and Marketers
Creative Businesses
Grow your business. Learn, connect, thrive.
- Post your company profile on our interactive Meet our Members page.
- Receive publicity through CAFC’s weekly E-buzz, WPKN radio who our media sponsor features
- Attend CAFC member events, workshops and networking opportunities
- Be part of our weekly CAFC Member E-newsletter, packed with announcements, job openings, grant opportunities and more.