Yes, artists or owners of creative businesses are welcome to join CAFC. We work hard behind the scenes to help create new synergies, efficiencies, and innovation for artists in all disciplines.
Marketing and promotion are among the many CAFC member benefits. Members are able to increase their fundraising visibility by promoting events through a dedicated section on FCBuzz and by being highlighted on CAFC’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.
Each year CAFC offers a series of topical workshops and roundtables designed to support cultural organizations and artists and foster cooperation and innovation between the constituencies we serve, including the CAFC Marketing Roundtable and Executive Director’s Forum.
In addition to the events listings on FCBuzz, member organizations are highlighted in a weekly five-minute radio spot on WPKN 89.5 FM and in the weekly E-Buzz that reaches more than 5,000 subscribers.
CAFC is in your corner. We understand the issues that are important to our members and communicate them to you in a timely way. We also serve on advocacy boards to represent your interests, speak out in regional, state and national forums and organize Calls to Action.
CAFC convened developers, artist, nonprofits and others at a 2016 “Creative Spaces for a Creative Economy” conference and is pioneering SpaceFinder Connecticut, a free space-matching online database listing spaces for rent for artists and cultural groups in Fairfield County.
CAFC created the Fairfield County Preservation Network, which provides a forum for members to quickly communicate ideas, to seek and offer assistance, to share information and to discuss preservation challenges and successes in the region. Meetings are held 2-3 times a year to enable members to network and discuss current issues and challenges around preserving the historic character of our region and to educate the public.
There are many ways to contribute financially to CAFC and support our work, on behalf of Fairfield County’s artists, performers, galleries, playhouses, museums and creative businesses. Corporate donation and in-kind sponsorship opportunities are available at all levels. Individuals are also encouraged to support CAFC through donations large and small.
Yes, CAFC includes members job posts in its weekly EBlast and provides a page dedicated job listings on its website for members to post openings for all disciplines and fields of the arts and entertainment.
Yes, for a donation of $100 or more, a restaurant or hotel may have a directory listing on with a link to its website.

We are here to support our members and help your business or organization flourish. Have questions?