Barry Guthertz has been exhibiting his Fine Art photography throughout the Northeast for over 40 years. His award winning work has appeared in The Brooklyn Museum, and French Embassy as well as in the General Electric and Union Carbide Corporate Galleries. He has had solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group shows throughout the Greater NY and Connecticut region, as well in Portland, OR on the West Coast. His work has been seen on the cover of both Shadow and Light Magazine; and LENSWORK Magazine, and has had portfolios published in both, as well as in B&W Magazine.
Barry Guthertz’s work has a deep spiritual component that distinguishes him as an artist and seeker. Taking images was a way to make the subconscious conscious, a way for him to get to know himself better. Photography forced him to be disciplined and more focused. What’s captured through his lens is as much an intimate inner refection as it is an outward perception of the wonder inspired by the designs in wood, abstractions of water, the veined pattern of a leaf or a landscape’s contours and textures.
Guthertz, whose images invite introspection says,
“Photographing nature is not only meditative and therapeutic, but more importantly, it gets me outdoors. Whether close-up or from a distance, the shear magnitude of nature’s forces can both terrify and fascinate. Left in their wake is a mysterious beauty that calls me to sit quietly and contemplate the breathtaking compositions carved into the earth’s landscape. “
More of his work can be seen at: